
by Teraph Saúde e Tecnologia

Health & Fitness


Teraph is a practical application made for all professionals who want to schedule appointments and store their patients information with documents, anamnesis and updated medical records.Forget papers and hundreds of files in one place! We intend to support you to organize information about your patients and be able to store documents with all the necessary security. This data will be available for you to access anywhere and print when needed.Main Features -- You will be able to register your customers and schedule the next appointments, notifying absences, changes or successful appointments.- Teraph also allows you to make the evolutions of your patients, which will be identified with their titles and dates.- It is possible to create anamnesis of adults, adolescents and children with different data.- The application also allows you to create documents that can be stored and issued, properly configured in accordance with updated legislation.Our system will be constantly updated, offering new features to help you in various work contexts. Check out our plans and see what best suits your needs.We offer online support from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and are also available to receive suggestions or information about the applicability of our functions.Therap team